
Are your sensors expired?

This refers to the sensor warranty, not the functionality of the sensor. However, the older the sensors the closer they are to the time they should be replaced. Always function-test (bump check) your sensors before each days use.

All Safe Industries

Is the pump functioning properly?

The pump must work properly not only to sample the air around you, but to also ensure a proper calibration. Test the "pump stall" feature and repair if necessary.

All Safe Industries

Is your calibration gas expired?

Each cylinder has a "Use Before" date on the label. We recommend you replace cal gas when it expires to maintain a high confidence in the function of your gas meters.

All Safe Industries

Are the filters dirty?

The filters protect the meter and the pump from dust, dirt and liquids. Change the filters when they are dirty or block the flow of the pump. Be sure to have spare filters on-hand.

All Safe Industries

Is your tubing dirty, damaged or discolored?

Tubing is used to draw air samples from remote areas to the meter for detection. Dirty or discolored tubing can distort your readings and should be replaced. Damaged tubing can dilute your sample. Be sure when sampling VOC's or gases with low action levels that you are using Teflon® tubing.

All Safe Industries

How long do your batteries operate?

To test your rechargeable batteries, fully charge the meter and then run it until the battery is depleted over your shift or by checking the run time in the data log file the next day. The meter should run at least 8 hours depending on the model. Change alkaline batteries annually.